Tag: murder
‘Break my heart 1000 times’ by Daniel Waters
Did you like the movie ‘The sixth sense’ from 1999 because of the scary things that happened, when the world of the living and the world of the dead collided? And did you like Alice Sebold’s novel ‘The Lovely Bones’, because of the thrilling parts where you got to know the murderer, but still couldn’t…
‘This house is haunted’ by John Boyne
An inexperienced twenty-one year old girls dream transforms into a nightmare. She’s all alone. But she doesn’t run away screaming. That’s old fashioned girl power! The setup in ‘This house is haunted’ reminds a lot of Henry James’ ‘The Turn of the screw’, but John Boyne proves with his strong characters that gothic fiction can…
‘The Shining’ by Stephen King
‘The Shining’ isn’t scaring in the blood spattering way, it’s scary because you have this strong urge to dissociate from Jacks darkest and most insane feelings and thoughts, but King makes you realise, that you have them in you, yourself. WE ALL HAVE!