Tag: victoria aveyard
Min mening om ‘Red Queen’
Vox pop: Den 9 februar udkom ‘Glass Sword’, den anden bog i Victoria Aveyards serie ‘Red Queen’. #bookstagram flyder over med smukke billeder af begge bøger, og læserne skriver, at de ikke kan få fat i ‘Glass Sword’ hurtigt nok. (Foto: Karoline, følg hende på Instagram/#bookstagram: @karolinebooks1009 )
‘Red Queen’ and ‘Glass Sword’ – my opinion!
Vox pop: With the February 9th release of ‘Glass Sword’, the second book in Victoria Aveyard’s series ‘Red Queen’, #bookstagram floods over with pretty pictures of both books, and readers comment that they can’t get hold of ‘Glass Sword’ fast enough. ( Photo above: Karoline from Denmark. Reach her at Instagram/#bookstagram: @karolinebooks1009 )
‘Red Queen’ (Red Queen #1) by Victoria Aveyard
Mare is Red, the lowest class of a nation ruled by Silvers, elite super humans. She finds out that despite being red, she still possesses powers, with which she can destroy the Silvers’ control. I really wanted to love this book, but I merely enjoyed it.