Anbefalingen på forsiden af ‘Uses for boys’ er så præcis og så rigtig, at jeg blot vil citere den: “‘I wish every woman could gain wisdom found in these pages. Quiet. Stark. Possible life-changing.’ – Ellen Hopkins”.
Af Peter Kock Henrichsen |
‘Uses for boys’
15. januar 2013
St. Martins Griffin
Uddrag af ‘Uses for boys’
On Fridays, my mom leaves a twenty-dollar bill and a note on the kitchen table-
“Rinse the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher,” it says.Joey and I have sex in her bedroom. He brings rubbers that he steals from his brother and brags about how he can put them on with one hand. I like the way he looks at me with his eyes mostly closed and the way he kisses, like he’s breating in my mouth. Afterward we watch the grey sky darken behind heavy pine trees and listen to nothing at all. It rains silently on the house.
I’m fourteen. I go to school. I dress the way alle the other kids dress. I wear my Levi’s with expensive twill shirts. I wear the right tennis shoes, the white leather ones with the green stripes. But the outfit buys me nothing.
Everyone has heard how I let Desmond Dreyfus feel around under my shirt while Carl Drier and Michael Cox watched. Everyone knows about Joey. The boys make V signs when they look at me and tongue the crack between their fingers.
The girls call me a slut.
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