‘The Haunting of Hill House’ af Shirley Jackson

Jeg besluttede mig for at læse ‘The Haunting of Hill House’ – Shirley Jacksons roman fra 1959 – fordi jeg ganske simpelt elsker Jan de Bonts filmatisering ‘The Haunting’ fra 1999. Men efter at have læst bogen, kan jeg konstatere, at screenplay’et til Jan de Bonts film er skrevet virkelig meget om og faktisk er utrolig meget bedre end Shirley Jacksons originale historie fra 1963.

Af Peter


‘The Haunting of Hill House’


Shirley Jackson



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Denne version udgivet af:

Penguin Horror


Uddrag af ‘The Haunting of Hill House’

Mrs. Dudley turned aside to let Eleanor come in, and spoke, apparently to the wall. “I set dinner on the dining-room sideboard at six sharp,” she said. “You can serve yourselves. I clear up in the morning. I have breakfast ready for you at nine. That’s the way I agreed to do. I can’t keep the rooms up the way you’d like, but there’s no one else you could get that would help me. I don’t wait on people. What I agreed to, it doesn’t mean I wait on people.”
Eleanor nodded, standing uncertainly in the doorway.
“I don’t stay after I set out dinner, “Mrs Dudley went on. “Not after it begins to get dark. I leave before dark comes.”
“I know,” Eleanor said.
“We live over in the town, six miles away.”
“Yes,” Eleanor said, remembering Hillsdale.
“So there won’t be anyone around if you need help.”


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