Tim er albino. Intet pigment i huden, knaldhvidt hår og så ekstremt lysfølsomme øjne, at han er nødt til at gå med mørke briller det meste af tiden. Han er vant til at være den, folk glor på, som om de var i en zoologisk have, men da han strander med Vanessa i lufthavnen, føler han for første gang, at han bliver set som den 17-årige dreng, han er. Men så simpel er kærligheden aldrig …
Af Peter Kock Henrichsen | ![]() |

‘The Tragedy Paper’
8. januar 2013
Knopf Books for Young Readers
Uddrag af ‘The tragedy paper’
“Where are you going?” she called out, surprising me.
I stopped. She still had her earbuds in. I didn’t know if she had turned the music down or off, or maybe it was still blaring in her ears.
“To the airport hotel,” I said.
“Don’t bother,” she said. “I called and they’re all booked up. I also called a cab company and apparently the streets are almost impassable. So I think we’re stuck here.”
“I got a room,” I said.
“That’s impossible,” she said. “I called even before the final announcement about tonight’s flight.”
“Huh,” I said. “Well, I have a reservation.”
“That’s impossible,” she said again.
“My mom’s travel company works with the hotel,” I heard myself explaining. “She called and apparently they had at least one room left, because she booked it. It’s waiting for me. I’m just heading over there now.
“Wow,” she said. I could see her eyes light up. She seemed so much friendlier suddenly. “Do you think it has two beds?”
“Maybe,” I said. For some reason I was not at all surprised by her question. I had the distinct feeling that the universe was out of whack and normal rules didn’t apply. I sort of liked it.
“You could come along and we’ll see. And if not …” I let the words hang in the air. She frowned and rolled her eyes, but responded by gathering her things. For a second I thought she was going to hand me her coat to carry, but she didn’t. I was glad because the truth was, if she had, I would have.
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